Friday, October 20, 2006

Don't Do This At Home!

This post is specifically for planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, developers and government types who know the rules and standards that force development to look the way it does. And (obviously) for any other interested readers, too.

My architect pal Tom Low, of Duany Plater-Zyberk's Charlotte office, shares this lovely photo of a street in Paris and asks – Can you do this at home?

I’m no expert, but here are a just few things I spotted that I don’t think would be allowed in Charlotte or most other places nearby:

  • Cafe tables too close to (or possibly even in) the street.
  • Tables without any awning or umbrella to cover them. (I think that’s an overly zealous health regulation.)
  • Awnings encroaching over the public sidewalk.
  • A blackboard sitting in the street.
  • And I’m not sure, but I suspect those signs somehow run afoul of the city’s sign ordinances, which are, in my opinion, too strict on benign signs and too lenient on billboards.
So let’s hear it: Can you do this at home?


Anonymous said...

I like the electric Smart car by Mercedes. I was in Vancouver this summer and they were all over the place. I mean EVERYWHERE. 60-70
It's a great way to get around locally in metro traffic.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, not to mention that the smart car is going the wrong way..ha, ha.

We should allow these types of exemptions in any of the UMUD zones Uptown or in South End, Plaza Midwood, NoDa, etc.

Add to that the other ordinances that don't allow buildings so close to the street or each other, business and residential to mix, and some arcane parking rules.

Oh yeah, and let the kids play in fountains while we're at it.

Cato said...

And if you look closely, it appears that one of the cafe patrons is reading a quality newspaper.

Nope - that'd never fly in C-town.

Anonymous said...

Mary, I have an idea. Instead of doing this at home (Charlotte), why don't you just most permanently to Paris and make THAT your home.

Wouldn't it be cheaper if we just bought a one way ticket for all of socialists in Charlotte to goto Paris? They they don't have to whine and moan and demand that faux Paris be built here.

Anonymous said...

This kind of begs the question: why would you want to do this at home?

Unless I miss my guess so-called "urban planners" didn't have much to do with the way Paris evolved, and it seems to me little more than hubris to believe that somehow similarly charming and authentic results can be planned and carried out. But in the odd chance that I am wrong about that -and thus far I haven't seen the example to prove me to be so- why, of all places Paris?

Why not turn Charlotte into an artificial Charleston? Or San Antonio? Or San Fransisco? All nice central cities that simply evolved over time and are as a result both pedestrian friendly and possessed of unique cultural histories that make those walking journies soimething more than just point-to-point ambulation.

Well of course you can't actually build a new entity and assign to it a cultural history, can you? And that's fairly obvious when you think of places close to home. An effort to replicate the charm of Charleston in Charlotte would ring out like a bell as PHONEY to Charlotteans who know Charleston.

Ah, but Paris! A city most people don't know, don't undertand as a place to live rather than visit: a mysterious place. Replicate that because people won't know how phoney the repica is!


Anonymous said...

Phoney? whatever. Fake new buildings looking like old ones are phoney. Creating warm gathering spots though, is not phoney at all.

What's wrong with Charlotte taking some ideas from other cities that bring prople together in an urban setting? Nothing phoney, or socialist, about that.

Best of all, no tax dollars needed either, just abolish some silly ordinances (which means less government intervention). Everybody wins.

Anonymous said...

As a previous comment stated, Mary's point is precisely that government interference (via local ordinances establishing setback requirements, zoning for single-use spaces, and food preparation rules) has interrupted the natural, market-driven, efficient evolution of our spaces. She wasn't saying that the city should build this, she said that the city's rules expressly prohibit this kind of space. But, for what it's worth, New Urbanism is at its heart a very conservative set of ideas. I'd suggest taking a look at Sorting Out the New South City by Dr. Hanchett at the Levine Museum for a surprising (at least it was for me) look at how the land use patterns in Charlotte (including the rise of the suburbs) were driven by government policies rather than market forces. Although I haven't had a chance to read it yet, I think Dr. Matt Lassiter's book Silent Majorit covers this topic as well.

Anonymous said...

Actually Tom Low doesn't work in "a Charlotte office." His office (the DPZ office) is in Huntersville. In fact, it takes up an entire live-work unit in Vermillion in clear violation of the live-work code. Tom doesn't live there. He lives in Charlotte and commutes to Vermillion. Can you say Hypocrite?

Anonymous said...

Since we're talking about zoning I don't think this comment is too much off topic.

I just read in our trusty Observer that another evil developer has decided to build less density on a plot of land zoned for higher density. This horrible decision will result in only 10 units being built where 43 could have been. These units will be between 3500 - 4000 square feet, just like the McMansions so much despised here.

The only difference...

This development will be in Myers Park, and these townhomes will sell for approaching $2 million.

Where's the outrage? Where's the new urbanist fury?

My guess it's a "not in my back yard" - NIMBE - situation.


Selwyn condo work under way at last

Anonymous said...

I lived in Charleston for seven years before moving here for a web job. Because while Charlotte is a lovely convenient town. No one moves here for the fun of it. We will never be Charleston of course but like another poster mentioned I see no reason why we can't adapt certain older urban characteristics in neighborhoods in Charlotte that would fit this model. Having more cafe style seating along North Davidson,Camden, East Blvd, and along Central&Thomas would be a wonderful and fitting, no one is proposing sticking a cafe along Independence Blvd or Sharon Amity. LOL

Anonymous said...

You left out the bit about 12 percent unemployement and racial rioting in the streets.

No pictures of cars burning?

Mary, you have the mental capacity of Clark Griswold.

You act like some goober who has never left Charlotte and says things like 'just like in Paris' when trying to sound sophisticated.

Yeah, we need that. Just after we build some roads, sell the light rail to pay for some new schools.

Great suggestion from a previous poster.

We could all chip in to buy you a one way ticket to France.

It would be cheaper in the long run that investing in wastful new urbanist schemes.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the charming arab youth uprising from last year. Just imagine, burning cars on Tryon and Trade. It would all play into Mary's evil plot to get rid of all cars and force us onto the choo choo train.

Muhahahahahaha !!!

Anonymous said...

Read it and WAKE up America

Anonymous said...

Actually, the race riots and buring cars are occurring in the SUBURBS of Paris. Using that as a reference, Trade and Tryon will have the sidewalk cafes and Fort Mill and Weddington will have the buring cars. Works for me.

Whahahahahaha indeed.

Anonymous said...

I understand the frustration of Tom Low regarding the design restrictions, but I think in this particular case, I would agree with the authorities. I would not feel safe sitting at a table that runs into the street like this Cafe in the photo. I've been to Paris myself and remember how crazy they drive over there! Where Cafe's like this work is when they are sited alongside an open space like a park or plaza where no traffic is allowed. The layout in the photograph also forces people walking on the sidewalk to go through the Cafe which could cause problems with walkers bumping into patrons or waiters. You would not walk around the Cafe as this would place you into the street. Not very safe for parents and strollers. Cafe's like this are enjoyable but they need to be safe too.

Anonymous said...

The key is not more regulations, but less. I'm not a libertarian and appreciate the role of good planning. However, we need to boil down the planning regs to a few pages of easily digestable guidelines that makes it EASY to do the right thing. Perhaps downtown (I refuse to call it Uptown) can become an urban character district where such things they occur in Paris or Brussels might flourish in the context of Charlotte. As is, planning often gets in the way of urbanism. Similarly, it discourages behaviors that are common sense. For instance, most HOAs (a form of planning) prohibit clothes lines. Why in an age of energy dependence and poor air quality would ANY entity restrict someone from using the sun to dry their clothes?

You can probably bring your dog to the cafe in Paris, as well. The smart folks in Charlotte's Health Dept. wouldn't like that.

Anonymous said...

When I first looked at this picture, I thought it was downtown Bethesda, MD. Until I saw the cars. Places like this are great as long as they are safe. Having a table that close to the street is unsafe and inconvenient for pedestrians who are trying to pass by. While I appreciate the goal, as a planner I would not recommend that my town board adopt regulations (or relax existing ones) that would allow tables on the curb. Our ordinance does, however, permit sidewalk seating and some on-premise signage.

Cato said...

Looking at the picture again, I wonder why having that sort of set-up would be necessary or even beneficial in uptown Charlotte. Uptown happens to have wider sidewalks than those in the picture. Are you suggesting we narrow them?

For that matter, there are already ample places to eat outside in uptown. No, you might not be under an awning, and you might have to get take-out rather than being waited on, but it doesn't take a Herculean effort.

So, no, I can't do that at home. And you know what, I'm over it.

Anonymous said...

The French race riots occurred in the urban slums there the illegal immigrants live. One Charlotte equivalent would be around South Blvd, where we happen to be building our light rail line. Perfect for exporting illegal immigrant crime uptown or to Pineville. All at taxpayer subsidized expense.

Anonymous said...

If any posters want to send this urban socialist a one way ticket to Paris I am available!

Anonymous said...

And how it is that urban design questions always suddenly morph into illegal immigrants and light rail? Some of you have a very bad one track mind.

Anonymous said...

As a fan of DPZ it is important to correct and clarify the anonymous post regarding DPZ's office. DPZ Architects and Town Planners are now actually located both in Charlotte and Huntersville. With the gas money staff saved by not having to reverse commute from homes in Charlotte to Vermillion in Hunterville, DPZ can actually afford a second office in Myers Park.

Regarding DPZ's use of their live-work on Vermillion's square in Huntersville, one of the staff actually lived above the ground floor office in the live-work using the third floor master bedroom and second floor kitchen living, dining, and terrace. It worked great! Charlotte should certainly encourage these as a viable CHOICE for incubating bussinesses and affordable housing. Much more civic and versitile than an isolated bonus room over the garage.

BTW and perhaps a good future Blog discussion - Myers Park has a "town center" at Queens and Providence but, as most of you know, don't EVEN try to walk around there as motorists will run you down without a blink - quite a contrast from the Paris photo. Unfortunately John Nolen's original town center plan design for Myers Park was not implemented. However good ideas don't die, sometimes they just takes longer to implement them.

Who would have imagined that Charlotte's civic and business leaders would have scraped away all the junk strip development along Kings Drive and replaced it with a pulic greenway per Nolen's original plan from 1911!

Anonymous said...

Smart cars would be a waste in downtown. Especially, after 5 PM Mon-Fri and the weekends because downtown is normally empty. Smart cars shouldn't be an option at this point, but downtown definitely needs more urban attractions. Downtown might as well replicate other cities' attractions since it lacks originality. Cities/attractions to consider replicating are Charleston's Market Street, Atlanta's Underground, New York's variety of ethnical restaurants and cultural family attractions and fashion institutes.

Anonymous said...

It's not surprising that many object to the "safety" of those al fresco diners. That's the problem with planning. We've sacrificed everything to the automobile. Everything revolves around the automobile. The "street" is a part of the urban fabric that is multi-modal and not the sole purvey of the car. Just as we separate uses for land, we do the same with our streets. We have to idiot-proof everything.

Cato said...

Having the cafe chairs so close to the streets isn't just a regulatory issue; I imagine that a restaurant owner would have trouble getting premises liability insurance with seats so close to the street. The plaintiff's bar would have a field day with any resulting injuries.

And I love ethnical restaurants too. They're so tastyful.

Anonymous said...


Where have you been ? I've lived uptown for 4 years and it gets busier and busier every month. There's plenty to do in the evenings. There's always a show either at McGlohon, Belk or Booth. You have a few places to go for coffee and live music and there's approximately 30 good restaurants open every night of the week. You've'e got the omni max open now and soon bowling and a movie theater at 210 Trade. Then there's wine bars, martini bars, clubs............on and on and on. Target and a Home Depot Design Center are currently under way. Brevard St. is being targeted for high end retail. What else could you want ? Within 2 miles are more great bars, restaurants and music venues. You have Double Door, Visualite, Neighborhood Theater and many more. South End, Myers Park, South Park Mall. All within 5 minutes. Yeah.....I can see why you think there's nothing going on uptown. Not the same hussle and bussle of your cul-de-sac, huh ? Why on Earth would a Smart Car be a waste ? Unless you are simply "not smart".

Anonymous said...

Couple of comments to stir the pot...

First, how is it that you guys can be for removing regulations that prevent people from unsafely sitting in the street and keep the wait staff safe, but are for implementing regulations that take away a property owner's right to allow smoking in that same restaurant? Does the waiter have the right to not risk his life working those tables? What about the paitrons who are forced to sit outside when the inside is full? I mean, these poor victims obviously don't have the choice to work or eat anyplace else! They are at risk people!

I thought liberals were smarter than everyone else and wanted to impose restrictions that saved people from themselves. (Susan Burgess basically said that on the Keith Larson show the other day.)

Second, to the earlier anon, maybe those single-minded people who focus on illegal immigration and the scam that is light rail want to talk about the truly important issues facing our city, rather than be distracted by pretty sidewalk cafes.

That's a nice diversion from the important issues...just prior to an election.

Vote Puckett, McGarry, and Ramirez on Nov-7 to see some positive change on the actual issues - not the imaginary ones.

(Btw, there's another glowing piece on the light rail boondoggle in today's Observer. Mr Rubin even makes an attempt to be honest about the costs by saying estimates don't include inflation - just like roads. I guess in his mind two wrongs do make a right.)

Anonymous said...

Give us a break. Charlotte is urban. They will vote Democrat as always. It's the right thing to do. Just take a look at the mess the GOP has landed us in over the past 6 years. PATHETIC.
Stop crying about a little tax here and there you tightwads. Embrace change. We are a growing city. Loosen the wallet or simple move.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Rick,

People are free to talk about light rail and immigration, but that is off topic on this blog. There are plenty of other opportunities on this website to talk about those things, and I mean plenty. My point is that some people will twist anything, and I mean anything, to those subjects. Heck if the sky is geay and raining, they might as well blame it on light rail and illegal immigration. And yes, a diversion never hurt every now and then. Some people really need to lighten up.

Anonymous said...

"Stop crying about a little tax here and there you tightwads. Embrace change. We are a growing city. Loosen the wallet or simple move. "
In response, I propose anyone who votes Democratic can pay the "little" tax share of all those who vote Republican. According to the last two Presidential election counts being almost equal (Republican victories), the tax collected should be the about the same.

Anonymous said...

No, I think it's fair just like it is. Your church doesn't pay tax so that's YOUR break. If I want more urban stuff and tax money goes to that then that's MY break. Its give and take. That's how it works in a Democracy. You don't always get everything you want. But if you get some of it then stop crying. You got your Republican victories so be happy. You may want to consider moving away from the city though. We vote Democratic, always have. This state is still filled with mostly countryside and country votes Red. That day is fastly changing. Northerners and West Coasters are moving here in droves. Big Red will be Big Blue before you know it.

Cato said...

Indeed, I am no Cato. It always seems to work that way with borrowed pseudonyms...

Anonymous said...

Way off topic, I know, but there's lots of truth in the Observer today...

The Arena is not providing the economic boost most Uptown business owners anticipated.

Light rail total cost now tops $8 billion when the Big Cat, Ron Tober, is forced to caculate inflation into the cost.

Test scores at CMS plunge for lower income and minority kids because of more accurate scoring - revealing that recent accolades in the national press are partly undeserved.

Who took the truth serum over there this morning?


You'd better look into it. If this becomes a trend, it could ruin your gig.

Anonymous said...

"Test scores at CMS plunge for lower income and minority kids because of more accurate scoring - revealing that recent accolades in the national press are partly undeserved." Yes, this is Mary's fault. Well, maybe not. Maybe it's light rail's fault. No no, it's Parks Helms fault. What am I thinking, it's the liberal media's fault.

This is a societal problem and blame can be placed on numerous actors, CMS included but not exclusively. Now, can I sit outside and eat my lunch on a wide urban sidewalk. Until then, I'll sip on my frappe and bitch about govco.

Anonymous said...

GET A LIFE PEOPLE. You are so sad.

Anonymous said...

Mary has no problem endorsing government intervention into every aspect of everyone's life, so why is she surprised or disturbed that the ridiculous rules of her god government prevent Charlotte restaurants from having a street-cafe atmosphere? You reap what you sow, babe.

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im live -
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moms creampie -
monsters of cock -
mr big dicks hot chicks -
mr chews asian beaver -
mr skin -
my gay roommates -
nikki grinds -
old tarts -
one crazy night -
ox pass -
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please bang my wife -
public invasion -
pussy ass mouth -
reality kings -
reality pass plus -
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reel 18 -
ronni tuscadero -
round and brown -
round mound of ass -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
see her squirt -
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she got switched -
shocking parties -
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simply tranny -
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slutty mamma -
spy cams -
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terry lightspeed -
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the big swallow -
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tinys black adventures -
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tori stone -
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tug jobs -
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vengified -
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we live together -
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erica lightspeed -
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facial humiliation -
faith lightspeed -
female pov -
first time auditions -
fuck spy -
giants black meat white treat -
gigi lightspeed -
got fooled -
granny fucking -
heather lightspeed -
heels and hoes -
her first throatjob -
hood hunter -
horny spanish flies -
hungarian butt sluts -
im live -
in focus girls -
interracial fuck -
in the vip -
ir orgy -
i spy camel toe -
jerk him off -
jordan capri -
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mandy lightspeed -
man hookups -
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mikes apartment -
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moms creampie -
monsters of cock -
mr big dicks hot chicks -
mr chews asian beaver -
mr skin -
my gay roommates -
nikki grinds -
old tarts -
one crazy night -
ox pass -
panties and fannies -
papi -
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pimp my black teen -
please bang my wife -
public invasion -
pussy ass mouth -
reality kings -
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real latin hardcore -
reel 18 -
ronni tuscadero -
round and brown -
round mound of ass -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
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she got switched -
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terry lightspeed -
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the big swallow -
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erica lightspeed -
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faith lightspeed -
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first time auditions -
fuck spy -
giants black meat white treat -
gigi lightspeed -
got fooled -
granny fucking -
heather lightspeed -
heels and hoes -
her first throatjob -
hood hunter -
horny spanish flies -
hungarian butt sluts -
im live -
in focus girls -
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ir orgy -
i spy camel toe -
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mr big dicks hot chicks -
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nikki grinds -
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please bang my wife -
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reality kings -
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reel 18 -
ronni tuscadero -
round and brown -
round mound of ass -
sammy4u -
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the big swallow -
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tinys black adventures -
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erica lightspeed -
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facial humiliation -
faith lightspeed -
female pov -
first time auditions -
fuck spy -
giants black meat white treat -
gigi lightspeed -
got fooled -
granny fucking -
heather lightspeed -
heels and hoes -
her first throatjob -
hood bobbin -
hood hunter -
horny spanish flies -
hungarian butt sluts -
im live -
in focus girls -
interracial fuck -
in the vip -
ir orgy -
i spy camel toe -
jerk him off -
jordan capri -
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moms creampie -
monsters of cock -
mr big dicks hot chicks -
mr chews asian beaver -
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my gay roommates -
nikki grinds -
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round mound of ass -
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see her squirt -
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she got switched -
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sinful tales -
spy cams -
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street blowjobs -
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super men -
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tawnee stone -
taylor little -
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teen teen teen -
teeny bopper club -
terry lightspeed -
tgirl adventures -
tgirl island -
the big swallow -
throat jobs -
tinys black adventures -
tit vision -
tori stone -
tranny surprise -
true twinks -
tug jobs -
upskirts -
vaginal cumshots -
vengified -
vip crew -
voyeur dorm -
we live together -
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xxx proposal -
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all big cocks -
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all sites access -
a lucky stranger -
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asian angels -
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ass parade -
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