Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wanted: Green roof expert in mountain city

Asheville tries to hire an architect who'll do a green roof for its new civic center; can't find a taker. Any green-roof experts willing to contact Asheville? Here's the Citizen-Times' version.

The idea, of course, is that a roof with stuff growing on it is better insulated and helps save energy costs for the building in the long run, as well as absorbing stormwater (i.e. fewer taxpayer dollars going to storm drain projects) and keeping down the urban heat island effect. Which means lower A/C needs for everyone.

Some of my architect sources tell me green roofs still have some kinks to be worked out. Like trying to keep birds' nests from being sucked into air ducts. Or, finding plants that will grow in the hot (HOT!) and occasionally very dry environment. A planted roof I visited in Providence, R.I. -- you know, New England where it isn't all that hot -- was planted in desert cacti and other dry-heat loving plants. My suggestion? Bermuda grass or crabgrass. Or both. Heat and drought just encourage them.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you found a gold mind for anyone wanting to start a business. I'm sure you will have many who will want to contribute their cash in order to start a "Garden Roofing Company".


Anonymous said...

What a surprise - all those environut windbags complain, complain, complain about everything, but then when an opportunity to take their moronic theories and actually implement them in the real world arises, it turns out that they're impossible. $1.5 million for a ROOF? And NOBODY would do it? Multiply that by a trillion and you have STARTED to understand the cost of what supplicating ourselves on the altar of Kyoto would cost.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 3:40 p.m.: your over-the-top criticism of "environut windbags" is so extreme I have to wonder if you're really just trying to be humorous, rather than actually believing that point of view.......but if not, I'd suggest you wake up to reality, turn off the Fox news & AM talk radio, and do a little research into genuinely worthwhile environmental innovations that offer some relief to the damage that you, me & everybody else has been doing to slowly degrade this planet's health.....a good place to start is at

Anonymous said...

It takes more than just a clever or adventurous architect to design a roof like that.

Architects are held responsible for the structural integrity of their designs for years into the future. They are required to carry liability insurance also.

Unless an architect has specific experience (and liability coverage) in designing a green roof, don't expect to get any legitimate offers.

I read somewhere that Ford had to sign away all liability when they Bill Ford built a green roof on top of a factory in Dearborn Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the lead. My firm will set up an appointment to meet with the city regarding this project. It's more of an engineering problem rather than an architectural one. We would evaluate the structure and design a system that can be maintained with a drainage system that works.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:58 - Obviously this is NOT an "environmental innovation that offers some relief" - since NOBODY has said they can implement it!

You are the one living in the fantasy world - that was the whole point of my post.

Lay your "damage to the planet's health" guilt trip on someone else - I'm not making ANY lifestyle changes until Al Gore, John Edwards and John Travolta do. Talk to THEM, pal, not to me.

Anonymous said...

to anon 9:59:

Al Gore recently installed solar panels on his house.

When can we expect you to do the same?

As always, I enjoy your blog, Mary! Unfortunately, everyone uses it as a political attack column instead of a forum to actually discuss the issue at hand.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I just returned from Germany and I saw plenty of green roofs and solar panels. There must be plenty of clever and adventurous architects over there?

Anonymous said...

How about their planes and limo's?
Do those have solar panels?


Anonymous said...

I agree and would add- less regulations?


Anonymous said...

to anon who said "Architects are held responsible for the structural integrity of their designs for years into the future. They are required to carry liability insurance also."

Architects- ideas of what building look like.
Engineers- making the ideas into stable structures.

Anyone can draw a nice looking picture, but can it be built.


Anonymous said...

Anon 9:59 --- "Obviously this is NOT an "environmental innovation that offers some relief" - since NOBODY has said they can implement it!"

I re-read the Asheville paper's article to make sure I didn't miss something, but nope, you appear to be adding up 2 + 2 without getting 4. Nowhere in it does anyone malign the technology, or support your claim above; instead they've simply had no architects/engineers come forward with that design; perhaps, as stated, the strong economy just has thinned the pool of hungry applicants with that particular expertise; perhaps there are other factors such as inapropriate exist. roof structure, as suggested in the Asheville paper's forum.

These other considerations, however, are likely lost on you, who displays the typical Neo-Conservative George Bush-like "I'm proud I don't read the papers" simpleminded view of the world. I stand by my original point: green roofs are successful all over the world and now in a number of major buildings in the U.S., and if you were to actually do a little open-minded research that's not spoon-fed to you by other selfish Conservative talking heads, who also adopt my 3-yr-old's opinion that "I'm not gonna do it 'cause HE's not doing it!", you might be surprised by some of the good ideas emerging out there to help us be part of the solution instead of just part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a job for Bill McDonough. I've seen some mention of the Ford Plant in these comments and below is an excerpt talking about its green roof. McDonough also used a green roof on the Gap Offices in San Bruno, CA. McDonough is also going to be applying his trade in York County as he will design the new Museum of Life and the Environment in Ft. Mill along the Catawba River. If you never heard of him, Google him and check him out.

About the Ford Plant Green Roof:

"He (McDonough) has designed a 450,000-square-foot "habitat roof" for the Rouge River complex. The $13 million roof will be topped by grasses that emit oxygen and water vapor, rather than heat. These emissions absorb particulates and the first storm water. Parking lots will use porous paving to absorb storm water, which will then be filtered by swales and underground rock beds."

Anonymous said...

To anon who said:
"Conservative talking heads, who also adopt my 3-yr-old's opinion that "I'm not gonna do it 'cause HE's not doing it!","

Is that worse than your 3-yr-old demanding you buy him a nice train because his friend has one also?


Cato said...

Two words:

Chia Roof

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Jumper said...

This is great. Post-tensioned concrete is the way to go. Since concrete can be weakened by various organic bio-runoff, a seamless rubber membrane should be necessary. After that, it's a no-brainer. Most architectural firms employ licensed engineers or subcontract to trusted associates.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:32 - Thanks for acknowledging that you have no argument at all by resorting to comparisons to George W. Bush (a. irrelevant to the discussion; b. I too consider him an awful president) and 3-year-olds.

Chris - Al Gore's hedge fund makes money from "green" companies, so the hysteria he whips up is self-serving moneygrabbing. Thought you "progressives" were against such bald greed. No, actually I didn't think that - I've seen too many other limousine liberals to think that.

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first time auditions -
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taylor bow -
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xxx proposal -
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captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
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I spy camel toe -
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40 inch plus -
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first time auditions -
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reality pass plus -
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taylor bow -
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xxx proposal -
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40 inch plus -
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captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
horny spanish flies -
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I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
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taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
we live together -
40 inch plus -
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captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
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I spy camel toe -
public invasion -
reality pass plus -
see her squirt -
taylor bow -
we live together -
xxx proposal -
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40 inch plus -
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cam crush -
captain stabbin -
first time auditions -
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I spy camel toe -
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mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
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the big swallow -
tug jobs -
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8th street latinas -
all sites access -
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coeds need cash -
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mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
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round and brown -
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8th street latinas -
all sites access -
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coeds need cash -
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mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
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the big swallow -
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8th street latinas -
all sites access -
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coeds need cash -
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milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
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the big swallow -
tug jobs -
ballhoneys -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
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mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
bangbros network -
8th street latinas -
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bang bros network -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
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mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
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the big swallow -
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bangbrosnetwork -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
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coeds need cash -
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mike in brazil -
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mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
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the big swallow -
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8th street latinas -
all sites access -
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coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
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mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
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8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
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teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
big mouthfuls -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
bigmouthfuls -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
big tits round asses -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
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casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
bigtitsroundasses -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
busty adventures -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
bustyadventures -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -

Anonymous said...

mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
cam crush -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
camcrush -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
milf lessons -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
milflessons -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
monsters of cock -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
monstersofcock -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
mr camel toe -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
mrcameltoe -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
public invasion -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
publicinvasion -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
taylor bow -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
taylorbow -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
tug jobs -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -
tugjobs -
8th street latinas -
all sites access -
bang bros network -
big tit patrol -
bus stop whores -
casting couch teens -
coeds need cash -
cum fiesta -
cum girls -
mike in brazil -
mikes apartment -
milf lessons -
mr camel toe -
mr chews asian beaver -
pimp my black teen -
round and brown -
street blowjobs -
teeny bopper club -
the big swallow -
tug jobs -